Protecting Economic Resilience in West Africa: A Test Case in Côte d’Ivoire
Thriving African economies have urgent political and economic interests in minimising spill-over effects of instability across Africa’s traditionally porous borders.
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Thriving African economies have urgent political and economic interests in minimising spill-over effects of instability across Africa’s traditionally porous borders.
Africa’s failure to benefit more fully from the talents of its young people is costing our continent dearly.
L’Afrique peut réclamer sa place dans la chaîne de valeur mondiale en valorisant les talents des jeunes africains.
With global demand for food increasing, the potential for this crop to contribute to Africa’s agricultural growth is increasingly apparent.
La gamme de produits qui découlent de cette culture est diversifiée.
By adequately preparing for rare opportunities, we are able to show the world the economic strength that inherently lies within West Africa.
Un marché africain intégré serait lucrative pour les producteurs africains.
In Africa, increasing productivity and improving cross-border trade in certain cereal grains can be a game-changer for countries like Somalia.
La grande tolérance du millet à la chaleur, à la sécheresse et aux inondations fait de cette culture un choix évident pour les agriculteurs africains.
Africa is well positioned as an alternative to meet the needs of international markets and take advantage of this to diversify its supply chains.
L’Afrique peut répondre aux besoins énergétiques des marchés internationaux.
Last week, more than 400 participants gathered in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, for the Regional Social Security Forum for Africa..
La semaine passée, plus de 400 participants se sont réunis à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, pour le Forum régional de la sécurité sociale pour l’Afrique..
Informal cross-border trade is common and important in Africa. But these borders have become spaces in which militant insurgents thrive.
En Afrique les commerçants informels traversent régulièrement les frontières pour échanger des biens et des services. Les milices armées menacent ces communautés.
While our brothers and sisters struggle to cope with extreme weather events, a critical question remains: are we doing enough to strengthen African communities for future occurrences?
Now that Marburg cases have begun appearing on the continent, this is a moment when African clinical researchers can spring into action.
Alors que les cas du virus de Marburg ont commencé à apparaître sur le continent, le moment est venu de mobiliser la recherche clinique africaine.
Conflicts are damaging our infrastructure, undermining our supply chains, and impeding the distribution of critical goods and services. What can we do to break the cycle?
L’histoire de l’Afrique ne devrait plus est caractérisée par les conflits, l’urgence et les tsunamis silencieux.
By investing in different sectors of the economy and developing a diverse set of skills Africa can be more competitive in the global economy.
En maîtrisant des compétences économiques variées, l’Afrique sera plus compétitive à l’échelle mondiale.
We cannot afford to stand by as others write our story and turn Sub-Sahara Africa into an arc of instability.
African countries must proactively engage with one another to transform healthcare infrastructures.
Africans must confront the political dimension of endemic poverty, the result of short-term self-interested economic decisions taken at the expense of African families and children.
For our sake and that of our children, sports should not be the only occasion when African unity makes an appearance.
Investing in innovative technology in the healthcare sector could be the foundation of Africa’s success.
Everyone can play a role, from entrepreneurs to consumers, in creating buy-in to an autonomous, bright future for Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa taking control of the agribusiness supply chain will give the region autonomy and an economic boom.
“If you wrote a letter to God and asked him for the best soil and climate conditions for farming, this is what he’d send you. Africa is a paradise for growers.” — Miguel Bosch
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